Sept 30th -03rd Oct 2023 // Essen (Oldenburg)

Register now!

Any questions about the camp

Everybody can participate! Even if you want to come all alone and are actually a group vaulter. Individual vaulters, double pairs and groups of all abilities are welcome.

What can you expect from us?

The camp begins on the day of arrival at 8:30 a.m. with a group warm-up. Please arrive on time. You should also have had breakfast. If you would like to arrive the day before, please let us know when you register. We will then organize a place to sleep and breakfast for a small additional charge.

Meals generally begin with lunch on the first day of training and end with lunch on the last day.

As a full-time participant, accommodation and meals are fully provided during the days. The exception is the day of arrival and departure. On these days, meals begin and end with lunch.

As a part-time participant, you will be provided with lunch on the day you have booked. If you book an overnight stay for an extra €40 per night, dinner before the booked night and breakfast after the booked night are included.

During your training days, you will get 30 minutes on the C-MOVIE every day and 3 other workshops of your choice. In 4 of the 5 training sessions per day, you will be supervised by our trainers. In your free session, you are of course welcome to use the free gym equipment.

Around 2 weeks before the training days, you will receive an email with further information about the courses and a selection form. You can choose the other workshops as you wish and design your own training day.

7:30 a.m. Breakfast - 8:30 a.m. warm-up together - 8:50 a.m. 2 x 90 minute training sessions - 12:30 p.m. Lunch - 1:30 p.m. 3 x 90 minute training sessions - 6:30 p.m. Dinner - 8:00 p.m. free Training or free time until 10 p.m. - then you go into the deep regeneration phase (sleep). This is the short version of a day.

You will be assigned one training time per day on the C-MOVIE or one choreography session and can then enroll in two additional courses per day. The course offerings will be updated here on this page in the next few days.

After dinner, the stations set up in the gym and the MOVIEs are available for free training.

You determine your training volume largely yourself. Remember that you want to give it your all in each of the courses you choose... If you only choose "power courses", this will be difficult to achieve, because...

You usually get daily
- 30 minutes on the C-MOVIE
- 90 minutes on the S-MOVIE
- and 2 other courses of your choice

For courses that require 1:1 supervision, such as choreography, or for training on the C-MOVIE, you are entitled to 30 minutes of training time. For all other courses, you get 90 minutes each, which you then share with other participants.

The S-MOVIE, the C-MOVIE and the choreography sessions are organized in small training groups. Anyone can register individually for all other workshops. This group membership only counts for choreography and MOVIE training.

Each training group usually consists of 4 participants . When registering, you can name your friends or group members who are also registered so that we can plan you together in a training group. It's no problem to name more than 3 training partners, because you might want to register with your entire team. In this case, of course, you all stay together and the training group becomes larger accordingly.

If you come alone , we will select training partners according to your performance class so that you can train together with 3 other vaulters of approximately the same strength. So that's not a problem at all.

The course offerings will be updated in the next few days. So something will change. What is certain is:
- Video analysis compulsory and freestyle elements
- Choreography
- Acrobatics
- Handstand training
- High departures
- Expression
- Balance training
- Preventive injury training (knees and ankles)
- Training the basic physical requirements (strength and flexibility)

Feel free to tell the trainer what you would like to work on. You can have a say in the training content together with the other participants in your training session.

Places are limited in some courses! If your desired course is fully booked on a certain date, then speak briefly to the trainer; he or she will then be able to determine whether you can still join. Each course is offered multiple times, so you can easily take this course at a different date.

There are a total of 5 training sessions per day. 2 of them are occupied by a unit on the S-MOVIE (90 minutes on the stationary MOVIE) and by the C-MOVIE (45 minutes on the rotating MOVIE) or choreography. You can take 2 further sessions with workshops (90 minutes each) of your choice and you should take one session off and relax. So you get over 5 hours of full-throttle training every day!

Course registration takes place in the evening after dinner. The lists for registration will be available in the foyer in front of the dining room.

We will stay in trailers at the Hase Helden campsite. These are heated and connected to the electricity grid. Each trailer is equipped with 4 beds. You should bring your own sleeping bag and pillow, but they can also be ordered for a small extra charge.

The campsite also offers sufficient sanitary facilities such as showers and toilets and a large kitchen. So the food is guaranteed!

If you would like to arrive on Thursday evening, we can organize a place to sleep for you. However, this comes with an additional charge of €30. The price includes overnight accommodation and breakfast the next morning.

As a rule, meals begin on Friday with lunch. So you should have already had breakfast when you arrive on Friday. And it ends Tuesday with lunch.

General meal times are:
Breakfast 7:30 a.m
Lunch 12:30 p.m
Dinner 6:30 p.m.

Special eating habits and allergies can only be taken into account if they are stated in the registration form.

Full-time participants:

When registering, please let us know when you plan to arrive so that we can keep track.

Training begins Saturday, September 30th at 8:30 a.m. and ends Tuesday, October 3rd at 5:00 p.m. Please plan your arrival on Friday by 8:15 a.m. If you have to arrive on Thursday evening, please contact us in advance and include this in your registration.

If you are traveling by train, your destination station is Essen (Oldenburg) . From there we will collect you after consultation.

Day participant:
Please be in the sports hall by 8:15 a.m. at the latest. We will meet you there.
Your departure will then take place after your last training session.

Essen school center (Oldenburg)
HaseHeroes campsite

Here is a small list of things you should have with you:

  • training gear for the gym
  • gym shoes (clean vaulting shoes)
  • possibly running shoes for outdoors
  • Hand towel
  • swimwear

And depending on the course selection:

  • Video analysis of your compulsory and free program*: Video from your season
  • Freestyle design*: a selection of exercises that you would like to incorporate into your freestyle
  • Music and theme*: at least an idea of what direction it should go in

So, now maybe a pack of motivation, and then we can get started!

Your trainers

Gero Meyer





Acrobatics - handstand - fitness


Acrobatics - handstand - fitness


Expression and choreography


Expression and choreography


Course and fitness


Course and fitness


Course and fitness


Full-time participant

525 € / participant

✓ Eligibility to participate in all available courses
✓ Limited training time on the C-MOVIE
✓ Free allocation of courses in the remaining time
✓ S-MOVIEs and other training devices may be used freely
✓ Sports facilities can also be used in the evening
✓ Use of the sauna, bowling alley or swimming pool possible in the evening
✓ including full board
✓ including overnight stay

Register now!

Day participant

95 € / participant / day

✓ Eligibility to participate in all available courses
✓ Limited training time on the C-MOVIE
✓ Free allocation of courses in the remaining time
✓ S-MOVIEs and other training devices may be used freely
✓ Sports facilities can also be used in the evening
✓ including lunch
✓ €40 extra per night per person (dinner and breakfast included)

Register now!